The start of the new academic year is fast approaching and soon we will be planning our goals for the year. What would it mean to start off your new year right? For most, it would be feeling motivated, energized and setting out a pathway to reaching our goals.
Here are a few things you can do to start your year off on a positive note.

1. Creating an organised workspace.
Clutter can be distracting and can lead to a lack of focus. Creating a workspace with things that motivate you and aid learning can be highly beneficial.
2. Have your goals set out
Initially it can be over whelming setting out new goals for the academic year. Here are a few tips on how to plan
1. Write down your goals
2. Break down your main goals into smaller tasks
3. Set a schedule for doing the tasks
3. Start a sleep schedule
One of the most important things you’re going to need to be is energized is rest. You can set reminders on your phone to remind you each evening. You may find that your body gets accustomed to the new sleep schedule, and you will start to feel more energized.
4. Streamline your day-to-day tasks
A lot of your daily task can take up mental energy- deciding what to wear, what to eat etc. Have your wardrobe planned for the week along with a meal plan for your lunch. Find ways to make those tasks simpler and quicker.
5. Set up some quick wins
A good way to build up your motivation is to give yourself quick wins in your day. This can be as simple as making your bed in the morning. You may find that these quick wins can build momentum for your working days.